Friday, January 20, 2006

Big Boys Toys

Again,yesterday I went to Frenster Cafe,huh...imagine i only drive kancil there.But around me all the big,sporty and exclusive car.Naik segan gak aku nk minum kat situ...but who cares, next year insya-Allah I'll drive one of thiz car.

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Toyota Supra & Mitsubishi FTO in front of the cafe beb...

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Mazda RX8

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My Dream Car Toyota Celica(back View)

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Again My Future Celica...Insya-Allah

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hasad Dengki & Rohani Diri

Assalamualaikum,Hi...Kengkawan.Sekarang(mase aku tgh tulis artikel niH)....kul 3.16 pagi 19 January 2006.

Aku tgh siapkan kerje sebenarnye,research aku di HUKM berkenaan
kesan atau implikasi penyakit jantung terhadap ibu-ibu mengandung
.Penat gak buat bende ni, terutame skali part discussion,byk artikel dr internet aku kene carik sbg bukti menyokong kajian aku.Tapi tujuan aku menulis artikel bukan nk cete pasal resaerch aku, tapi psl title kt ats.

Yerr..Hasad Dengki & Rohani Diri
Aku bleh cakap, hampir 90% member aku adalah melayu.Dan ade dalam 20% dari mereka ni ade la ciri2 kat atas nih.Ohh sebelum terlupe, sesape yg terase AKU MINTAK MAAF, aku tulis ni sbb aku rase baik aku ckp utk sedarkan diri aku dan kawan2 yg lain.

Scenario 1:
Ade yg pandai dlm sesuatu bidang, tapi bile org lain mintak tolong ajarkn...dye punyer la kedukut ilmu taik hidung masin. Tapi gelarkn diri kawan? So camne tu?
Bile org tanyer sket, melenting, seolah2 kawan yg tanyer ni cam BODOH NK MAMPOS dan tak layak utk dapat jawapan. kire kene carik sendiri la....ape ceta ni? Kongsi2 la sket ilmu yang ader

Scenario 2:
Ade sorang member nih, teringin nk beli sumtin.... Kire nk beli bende tu belum sampai mase kut, sbb simpanan tak cukup. Tambahan pulak bende tu yg teringin nk d beli bende MANTAP lagi HEBAT. Tapi kawan dye dh beli dulu bende tu.....terus jeles...cakap plak bende tu tak bagus.Camne tu?,...kate minat,tapi bile member lain dh beli, cakap plak tak bagus? Nape tak tanyer dye camne beli? bagus tak? kalau nk beli camne? Kan tu lebih baik. Kire klu kite tak dapat beli tu, MAKNENYER BUKAN REZEKI KITE ALLAH nk bagi PAHAM???

Scenario 3:
Aku nk cakap kite ni hidup ade tuhan, kite beragama Islam bg kwn2 aku yg melayu. Aku ni bukan la baik sgt, tapi alhamdulillah solat aku tak lepas.
Aku cukup bengang/angin/marah sebenarnyer, bile kwn2 aku menafikan perkataan "insya-Allah".
Sebagai nasihat, "Insya-Allah" bermaksud dgn izin tuhan, so bile kite sebut bende tu jgn la nk bantah ckp
Ade kwn aku dye bleh cakap camni "aku taknk insya-Allah, baik ko cakap betul2 skrg..."
Nauzubillah, .....aku mintak la,....korang rentikan bende yg camni....biar pun kecik,tapi laknat tuhan tu besar.
Yang mane tak semayang..semayang la.

Scenario 4:
Bile kawan buat keputusan, ape kate kite menyokong atau kite beri pendapat yg bernas dan bukan mempertikai atau melanggar hak dan kemampuan kawan kite.
Sebagai contoh, kalau kawan kite nk beli komputer la katekn.Jgn la kite trus cakap..."komputer tu tak bagus,apsal ko nk beli yg tu?"
Kan lebih baik korang cakap,"aku rase komputer yg ko nk beli bagus tapi ade kekurangan,ape kate carik yg..."
Lebih baik kn? tak terase.....

Kesimpulan sini la....aku nk ckp
1.Jaga la hati kawan
2.Bagi pendapat yg bernas
3.Bantu la kawan

so ...sekali lagi, kalau la, ade yg terase...itu terpulang...aku boleh cakap AKU MINTAK MAAF, tapi ni utk kebaikan bersame.tegur menegur dan nasihat menasihati ok?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Lepak at Pelita Bangsar

Hmm, today we all lepak jap at Pelita Bangsar. Coz my fren here in da pic..Wanna to go tu BKT JELUTUNG...

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Friday, January 06, 2006

Now We Are Registered Company

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Now guy as u all can see, that is the name for me n my frens company.MaxiBiz resources.Lead by 3 chairman Me(Mohd Firdaus Bin Hadi), Kamarudin Shah And hezry Hashim. with hope it will be the best company that will break the worldwide market.
under MaxiBiz resources we build sub-division that will make the company runs progressively and good.

MaxiBiz Production - runs the video productions of corporate and community. services include corporate video, diiner video, party video, wedding video and soon enough it will runs Filming production.

MaxiBiz optical Media - divisions that manufacture and distribute Cd & Dvd's and other optical media product.

MaxiBiz Technologies - under this division, we serve the best quality of PC's servicing and Computer product supply.

MaxiBiz Adz - advertisement for all corporate, companies and individuals

MaxiBiz Events - we do all events such as Dinner, wedding Party and Camps

MaxiBiz Printing and design - all printing services and design including shirt printing order.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Lepak2 At de'Premier

Eventhough I started to be busy in managing my new Biznez and Finalizing my Elective report.But we must also have time to lepak la kat De' Premier

Image hosting by TinyPicSabree & Kak Zura & hezry

Image hosting by TinyPicRasydan & deng

Image hosting by TinyPicZaki & His Tunang

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Muahhhh.....Love Ya.....Taste Good

Huh, shocking, exciting n Very eppy one.....
Why, coz today I went Here.....
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With Them .....
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We eat & drink thizzz...
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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Police Academy

Yo guys,back to 1989 to 1999 i remember that i watch this movie title Police Academy.It was cool man, it so fun and full of Jokes. So last few days i remember bout it and quickly find it on torrents and walla!
Huh i've got the full set of the movies.
Police Academy it consist of 7 Movie,start from police Academy 1 -Police Academy 7.
Go and try to watch it guys,its cool.
Hey if you gotta an idea of old movies please give it to me i try to find it.